About Us
Disruptive Publishers is the worldwide leader in producing customization and personalization content for the Microsoft Xbox and Sony PlayStation consoles including the new 2018 Xbox Avatar. Producing more than 75% of the highest grossing items ranging from avatar clothing and merchandise to dynamic themes and working with some of the biggest brands in the world such as Microsoft Studios, Electronic Arts, NBA, MLB, NHL, and more.
An experienced digital art agency with world-class artists and animators offering a wide range of work for hire services including in-game assets, promotional art, 2D art, 3D art, animation and modelling.
We develop and support Xbox Avatar items for all Microsoft devices and screens including the new Xbox Avatar released in 2018. Our catalog houses over 10,000 items and ranges from everything from hats to hoodies, toy guns to swords, spaceships to robots, and much more all available on the Xbox Avatar Store.
We create themes for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 that allow gamers to express their individuality. From gorgeous static artwork to animated visuals to fully dynamic 3D interaction, our portfolio is vast with over 7,000 themes and has a little something for everyone on the PlayStation Network Store.